Being Beta

Exercises in the higher banter with One of 26. Elsewhere called 'poet of adland'. By a whipple-squeezer. Find out why being beta is the new alpha: betarish at googlemail dot com

Friday, September 28, 2018

Listorama: Facebook status updates vol 51

BetaRish is...

is behind the beat

Where have all the bounders and cads gone?

Sitting in the way of control

Dream pop Thursday

Juggle push drop Juggle push drop

Oh look!

I have joined the lanyard classes

It’s coming home (but there’s a massive tailback on the North Circular)

Cat howling, fan blowing, sleep failing

But who will think of the office workers today?

Time and willpower to execute ideas > ideas

I am mostly cherries

Look for the silver lining

Oh, the air con doesn’t come on until we arrive. Right

Who remembers when it was cold, when you could sleep?

Please please tell me now

Your instinct can’t be wrong

Life and how to live it

No, Time, stop tapping me on the shoulder, it’s not like its August or anything

...but what if time skips rather than hops?

Been reminded that I hate everything to do with decorating

I keep throwing words into the well, in the hope they might echo back

Last night’s dream logic: being fired while in a country house hotel, then buying loads of Washington Redskins merch in a warehouse without a ladder but with the help of Austrian ski students, then writing a book on how supporting the Redskins brought me closer to god

Nurdle > nudge

noise noise noise signal noise noise

Management of woo

Lazer guided profanities

Oh dear lord the idiocy has begun and it is not even 9.30am yet

Hello ghosts, good to see you again

Fidget fidget widget; dig it?

Roll on, roll on

*shakes fist at sky*

Seasons is as seasons does

No one will love you in a thousand years

Nudging, nurdling, juggling – is this what progress feels like?

I suppose the world has always been on fire

For all of you toiling in the information mines today…

Time turned older now

Have managed to squirt orange juice down my shirt, sweat at client idiocy and say – out loud! – “If dick moves keep happening to you, maybe you’re the dick.” this morning so far. How’s your day going?

‘Domino Dancing’ in my head on a loop

My ego’s feeling bruised; sign up to [] and make it better

What’s in the word hoard?

And then we came to a beginning

Omnichannel poetry

Hi my name is Rishi and I’ma  book addict (looks longingly at calendar for pay day)

Personally I’m in the market for a Corporal Strike

So someone called ‘Evil’ wants to connect with me on LinkedIn how’s your day going?

I’m having Strong and Important Feelings
