Being Beta

Exercises in the higher banter with One of 26. Elsewhere called 'poet of adland'. By a whipple-squeezer. Find out why being beta is the new alpha: betarish at googlemail dot com

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lamentations, Lamentations, Lamentations

(but definitely not a commentary on Book 29)

Lamentation No 1: for language

The OhMyGodWhat? dept of the Clear English Society would like to nominate this communication, FWD'd on a few weeks ago:

Hi [name] - Can you liase with HPmF on the feasibility of utilising the FnAT environment for this access that [name] requests? This work will contribute to the R9 Requirements, so FnAT environment is the only likely environment given out NIT Acceptance Testing activity.

[name] - The FnAT environment (at HP) has the current 8.1 build installed, and I hope will meet your needs. We are in a very intense phase with Acceptance testing the 8.1 Release within HP & VF, so that must take priority. However, hopefully FnAT will suffice.

Lamentation No 2: for beer

Young's is to merge with Charles Wells, which means that London is now left with one brewer. The psyche of the city will take years to recover: how can a city as large not support more beer makers? The main hope here is that the fabulous Young's Chocolate Stout does not disappear. Worryingly, Wandsworth suggested that the sale will mean that the area can become regenerated. Which will no doubt mean, in some circular irony, that a brewery will be replaced with vertical drinking factories, alongside the inevitable loft apartments.

Lamentation No 3: for contradictory ambition

The logical conclusion of some of the last week's frenzied activity on CiF has arrived. Riddle me this - for all the criticism of the MSM, plenty of people still want its paychecks.

and a bonus:

Lamentation No 4: for how things were

I discovered the other night Heather of Skipping Stones. She is immaculately sensual about those pressures, confusions, and longings that characterise the start of adulthood: shafts of insight mixed with defiance, pity, and huge heart. Read, and then remember that these things used to matter to you this much. And that that feeling is worth (re)finding every so often.


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