Commercial: Liar Love

Liar's League. You know it. Most likely you've been to it. London's premier showcase of all things literary and dramatique.
Well, from tomorrow night, things are going to get a little bit more dramatique.
For the Liars are moving into lurrrve. You are promised, in addition to all the usual imbroligos, a night of book-based blind dating, basically.
All you have to do is email your vital statistics (name, age, sex, orientation, favourite novel) to and you'll get matched them up with a fellow audience member and, hey presto!, a date for the night. (There is no word whether you can get one of the writers on hand to write chat up lines for you.)
The League has a new home, downstairs at The Phoenix off Oxford Circus, and the shenanigans start at 7pm. And all this for £5. Measly, I tell you.
Labels: commercial liars league london
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