Being Beta

Exercises in the higher banter with One of 26. Elsewhere called 'poet of adland'. By a whipple-squeezer. Find out why being beta is the new alpha: betarish at googlemail dot com

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Listorama: Facebook status updates vol 22

BetaRish (is)...

is a secret state

as it starts to spin out of control

Would that you would change the world thrice, not just once

What you do in your head, you do in your head

is standing on the sidelines with his hands tied, watching the show

is disintegrating celluloid

Rishi D, on a mission

is ready for the gridlock

wants birthday party cheesecake jelly bean boom

is fighting warriors of smoke

will step back in line

is not Devo

Everything’s always the same until the moment it’s not

is riding the joy joy papose

has the space blues

is a stenographer

wants a vote on the resolution amongst the full members of the council

Kiss kiss hoof

is on the sea floor, the mammal you adore

Let the Albert Hall shake. Off to see PJ Harvey

Pumpkin eyes are watching you

Do you think All Saints the shop celebrates All Saints the day?

is a genius, showman, powerbroker, creative paladin…

is later than expected

The bath of caffeine isn’t working

is down on the disco floor

can’t sing, isn’t pretty and his legs are thin

is pattern spotting

Post hack ergo propter hack

The moment before the moment is the moment that matters

Christmas card shoot with Malachite and Asturias not quite going to plan

is part tiger

Sincerity is the curse of the blessed

has been nothing but supadup nice to you

is seeing through new eyes

is a spoilt Elizabethan child

is building a Potemkin life

is a shower scudding through London

Bloody hell, this is late


Tick follows tock follows tick

I must go now, to where I am going to

What you do in your head, you do in your head

is a gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover

At Camp Nou

So yes, I managed to successfully make it past what they call ‘The Messiah Year’

Thanks you all muchly for the birthday wishes. You are all too kind, and I love you all

is launching Call Centre Creative this morning



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