Commercial: Hegarty highlights
The bits I really liked from the pages with corners folded down in 'Turning Intelligence Into Magic':
The power of reduction – a fundamental skill in advertising. (p 21)
…ideas and the belief in being able to produce great ideas are everything, otherwise advertising is just information. The trick is to make the information interesting and relevant – in the world of marketing communication understanding those two words, interesting and relevant, has filled a library. But it shouldn’t have. Ultimately it’s just common sense and a desire to excite people. (p 26)
If you work hard doing the same thing every day, I don’t think you’ll get lucky, you’ll just get boring. If you work hard doing interesting things then I think your luck will change. My mantra of ‘do interesting things and interesting things will happen to you’ is born out of that belief. (p 153)
…brands more often than not go wrong because they lose touch with their roots and the values and qualities that made them successful. This doesn’t mean you talk about the past, but it does mean that connecting a brand’s audience with the positive beliefs that established the brand’s original success is important. (p 155)
All the logic in the world doesn’t necessarily change a thing. Changing the way people feel and behave is the ultimate brand requirement and the ultimate responsibility of a creative idea. (p 202)
Labels: commercial hegarty advertising quotes intelligence magic
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