Commercial: When Aleksandr Orlov met James Joyce
Or maybe it's the other way round. You see, I've been skipping my way through Joyce's collected Poems and Shorter Writings (which really is a treat by the way, the Epiphanies especially), and blow me if I didn't stumble across this:
O bella bionda,
Sei come l'onda!
Of cool sweet dew and radiance mild
The moon a web of silence weaves
In the still garden where a child
Gathers the simple salad leaves.
A moondew stars her hanging hair
And moonlight kisses her young brow
And, gathering, she sings an air:
Fair as the wave is, fair, art thou!
Be mine, I pray, a waxen ear
To shield me from her childish croon
And mine a shielded heart for her
Who gathers simples of the moon.
So, do you think Orlov's tome is suitably filled with the dramatic lyric and the ironies of time?
Labels: commercial james joyce aleksander orlov simples poetry
Most excellent poetic ferretings dear Beta.
Thanking you sir; which reminds me that I need to get round and post about the links between Auden and Everything Everything...
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