Being Beta

Exercises in the higher banter with One of 26. Elsewhere called 'poet of adland'. By a whipple-squeezer. Find out why being beta is the new alpha: betarish at googlemail dot com

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Poetry: The evening after the morning after

Never let it be said that we poets aren't out there, living lives off emotional reckless and danger for you. As reminder of that, Don Paterson offered up this gem, amongst his pleasingly disputatious reading of Shakespeare's Sonnets, at Foyles' Faber Poetry Day yesterday:

"You don't write poems the morning after. You write them the evening after the morning after. The morning after is for coffee and fry-ups and black tabs."

And if you are a muse, I'd seriously suggest upgrading your life insurance. Or at least, your emotional life insurance.



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